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  2. Merging duplicates

Merge rules

Full control over which values win in a merge

Dedupely provides merging tools to streamline and optimize your CRM data. Without the need for additional rules, Dedupely merges data in accordance with your CRM's default merging protocols, typically prioritizing the most recent information for each field and retaining the oldest Record ID.

It is essential to thoroughly understand your CRM's specific merging rules, and for your convenience, we've provided links to integration guides for popular CRMs:

Associations and Activities

During the merging process, Dedupely ensures the preservation of all activities, associations, and historical data. It's important to note that Dedupely doesn't delete any information but focuses solely on merging the data. Additionally, blank fields are protected against overwriting existing data. For those seeking enhanced control over field values during merging,

Dedupely offers customizable merge rules. These rules empower you to tailor the merging outcome based on your specific preferences and criteria.

Setting a Merge Rule 

Unlock full control over the outcome of your data merges using our advanced engine. The Merge Rules Engine enables you to determine precisely which values will Win or Lose in the merging process. Whether configuring rules for individual search pads or applying them universally, our engine adapts to your merging needs.

After establishing matches based on your criteria, you can begin the rule-setting process. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Record Type: Specify the type of records to which the rule applies, such as Contacts, Companies, or Deals.

Affected Field: Choose the field that will undergo changes as a result of the rule.

Win/Lose: Decide whether the rule aims to make the field win or lose in the merging scenario.

Filter by Field: Introduce an IF statement, defining the field that triggers the change in the affected field.

Operator: Select the type of operation to be performed.

Duplicate Search: Choose whether the rule should affect a specific Search Pad or all of them.

Example Scenario:

Suppose you wish to ensure that the newest data is not retained for the first name of your contacts. Here's how you set up the rule:

  • Record Type: Contacts
  • Affected Field: First Name
  • Win/Lose: Lose
  • Filter by Field: Create Date
  • Operator: Is Oldest
  • Duplicate Search: Any

In essence, the rule articulates that within our CONTACTS, we want the FIRST NAME to LOSE if the CREATED DATE is the OLDEST and to affect All of the Search Pads.

This level of customization empowers you to tailor the merging outcome based on your specific criteria and preferences. Feel free to create multiple rules for fields that are crucial to your data integrity and merging priorities.

Visualization of Rules in Search Pads:

After adding and saving your rules, navigate to Duplicate Searches to view the impact. Once there, you'll see that the First Name in each match is now shown in italics. This signifies that the winning value, as determined by the rule.

The italicized presentation assures you that this specific value will win,  This visual representation will happen at any time a rule has been added.

The data above is generated through a dummy data generator. None of the data represented are real such as contacts, people, emails, and any other data.

Feel free to check out the rest of the Knowledge base in merging: